Your Identity Matters

Wherever you are in life,
Join us this Sunday for church in English!

What's Happening

Hey guys! You know, we always try to live by our motto. Find out what’s happening and come, join the fun!

Authentic Faith | Real Community


During these troubled times, we believe the Church has a responsibility to set an example in society and to remain a beacon of hope.

Learn more below.

War in Ukraine

All of us at ID church are horrified by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. We wholeheartedly condemn this attack, stand firmly with the Ukrainian people and pray for peace and justice.

One church, many languages

Our services and meetings may be in English, but they’re not only for native English speakers.
Every language and every culture is welcome at ID church!

Find out more below.

Know what?

You are significant, and wonderfully made says the Bible.

Your Identity and who you are is important.

Christians talk about Imago Dei (ID), this means we were made in the image of God. His fingerprints are all over us.